Head Shots Heaven||essex county, leamington and surrounding area natural light photography

Today, I felt like I met an old friend for coffee, when in reality, I met a new client!  This woman has had the experiences to cover three lifetimes - and she's YOUNG.  She's also driven, thoughtful and gorgeous!

I really went there to do a few head shots for her business Explore Pelee, but I couldn't resist getting a couple of shots in just for the ART of it.  Oh!  She's also the new co-ordinater for Total Recall, Anne Marie is currently updating the web page for Total Recall so look for updates!

Are you ready?

Oh the light on this sunny winter afternoon was so yummy...ahhhhh. 

Well, thanks for taking the time to come visit, hope to see you around these parts again soon!



  1. Thanks Lee-Ann, I had a great time meeting with you as well! Once I get Total Recall women's retreat website up and going, I will let you know. Mark the Dates: June 10-12, 2011, Pelee Island, East Park Campgrounds and tell all your girlfriends! They will probably all be old friends, so tell them to come for coffee too!


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