Spring Mini Sessions Sneak Peak ~ Mother and Son! || Leamington and surrounding area Natural Light Photography

Another peak at the Spring Mini Sessions!  It was such a beautiful evening, and the light so golden when I met Jenni and her son.  He happens to be the same age as my oldest, 11,not quite a teen, and not quite a child.  It took a bit for him to warm up to my camera (not unlike many of the male segment I have worked with!) but once I showed him is jump shot on the little screen on the back of my camera, he was engaged.

Jenni, as far as I know, our sons are now 'friends' on x box live!  :)

Thank you Jenni & S for hanging out with my in the Back 40, even with all the little bugs.  I had a great time, and I love how the light glows against your hair!

Thank you!!

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