Getting MOM In The Shot! | Leamington, Ontario and surrounding area natural light family photographer

MOM needs to get IN there, too!  With it being Mother's Day this weekend, I thought I'd mention to you that although you may be heavier than you want to be, although you haven't had time to get your hair done yet in 2013, although you can't get your partner excited about it - you NEED to get into the PICTURES MOM!!

As I have a 13 year old headed into graduation this June, the standard is to grab a baby picture for the graduation slide show.  While digging around in the old photo albums, I started to get lost in the memories of the days I've long since forgotten about.  The pictures triggered memories so dear to me.  So the kids and I ended up sitting for a while as I did a bit of story telling.

Page after page alerted me to something.  I am the proverbial 'Ghost Momma'.  They say I was there, I remember being there, I can tell you all sorts of tales about the day, but there's no proof!  I'm in so few pictures it's kinda sad.  The visual triggers remind me of my kids at various ages - but there won't be any triggers of ME in there for the kids!

Promise, they won't care about how you look, they won't.  The only one worried about that is YOU.

So this Mother's Day, even if the hubs doesn't think of it himself, even if you haven't a clue when you'll get to the salon to cover those grays or the gym to work of those extra pounds, consider a gift card for YOURSELF.  Get me to make sure your very real self gets into some memory triggering pictures for your kids!  Consider it a gift of great importance!

AND as an incentive -  Ginger Snaps! is hosting a promotion right now.   Receive $50 off your retainer fee as well as a very cool surprise gift valued at $100!!!

That's my lecture.  Time for me to teach the monkey's how to use my camera, or at least how to send me their ipod shots so I can stop being such a terrible hypocrite!


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