Comparison, What's the Deal?!
Comparison, What's the Deal?!
We all do it, even if just for a split second. We scroll through all of the pretty images on Instagram, or look at our friend's latest vacation pictures on facebook, or even feel that twinge of jealousy when we see a work anniversary notification on LinkedIn. I admit it - it happens way more than I would like.
"Why can't I....?" "How can THEY...?" "I want that, too..."
Doesn't do any good.
Comparison takes away our own dream time, the time we go inward and listen to our gut about where we should be going, how we should be getting there and maybe even just being content to sit STILL for a minute.
We somehow believe that everyone else is living life in the right way, and somehow our lives are lacking. It sticks us into a box, confining ourselves by what someone else has done. It keeps us from living our best life because we are always allowing the distraction of someone else's success derail our focus.
We find ourselves getting bored and scrolling instead of feeling that quiet, giving into the pause and reflecting on our own path, our discomfort, and our own space, our sorrow, our triumphs, the path that is unique to each of us. OUR OWN STORY.
I'm not saying that looking for inspiration is a bad thing. I love my Pinterest boards and seeing how other people imagine and use their skills to create art with people and their environments around them. I learn all sorts of things. But the key isn't to get STUCK in that spot of comparison, or that place where we feel less than someone else because they are miles ahead of us in skills or that they get to travel with their camera or have the best connections.
BE INSPIRED but don't COMPARE. Take what you see and find a way to do something new in your own way.
Turn your life into your OWN unique footprint on this planet.
Reflecting on how quickly my family keeps changing shape, someone reminded me about a time when my life wasn't quite as orderly, messes on the floor, messes in our hearts, chaos everywhere. The mark of a house with smaller children. Time evolved us, and we didn't even notice it happening. Things just move forward in the way that they should. The times I took my cues from external sources were the times I felt the most discord in my life. But when I choose to tune out and turn IN - that's when the flow happened. And that's still true.
I challenge you to do the same. As that quote says "Comparison is the thief of JOY." Instead, use comparison as a way to lead you to GRATITUDE for where you have been, where you are and inspire the shifts you need to make to get to where you want to go.
The next time you find yourself in that comparison headspace, log out, tune out, stand up, get outside, give someone a hug, be present. Because without you even knowing it, someone is comparing their life to yours, and wouldn't if be amazing if you inspired them to go live theirs the best way they know how?
Catchphrases drive me crazy. But this is one I like. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is the you of yesterday.
Life moves forward whether we are paying attention, or not. Might as well make it one that fits YOU.
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