Selfie Project - Guess It's Not Quite Done

For a long time, I did a selfie project that challenged and taught me a lot about myself. I thought I’d put it aside because had I learned all I could from it.

 Turns out, LAYERS. 

Since I’m sharing about my experience in a few weeks at ‘Connections’ I thought I better challenge myself with it again. But in different ways. 

This is a stressful week - and I didn’t give up on myself and sit on the couch or spin out. 

I loaded my bike onto my car and drove to the Point. And on the way, I ran right into the ONE person at the center of it. 

Talk about the Universe butting in!  

Well shit. 

The beginning of the ride there were tears and frustration, my body was vibrating. My head and heart jumbled. I turned up the music, sang along to some of it, cried and grunted. I pushed hard enough that the kinetic energy was forced to work its way through and out of my tense muscles.

But by the end, my thoughts were sorted enough to see things in a better way. I could be gracious instead of frustrated, I could imagine the other person's point of view and feel compassion or at least be a bit more open to a different outcome.

 I kept thinking someone better text or call who can make me laugh at myself, and by the time I hopped off my bike, I had done that for MYSELF.  I took care of myself using steps I taught myself through the project last time. (ask me about the Connections lunch if you want to hear more about these action steps!!)

I am thankful for a little clarity, for my legs that petaled me, and for my healthy heart. And I am thankful that I held myself accountable to my goals. 


Tomorrow is not my favorite day. But tomorrow will come and tomorrow will go and no matter how I react to it, the outcome will BE.  

My bike, taking care of myself, means I can sleep better tonight and face tomorrow with strength.

What are YOU doing differently to change the outcome of YOUR life? 

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